Monday, April 30, 2012

Twitter: What’s the First Step?

I had the pleasure of reconnecting with a former client recently.  The client is embarking upon a new professional project and had some questions about Twitter.

Twitter, we noted over coffee, can play an extremely valuable tool. Why?  Because there are already folks engaging and connecting on Twitter related to the very same topic this professional is pursuing. 

Once those folks are discovered on Twitter, the social media platform will be of tremendous value to build interest, engagement and ultimately business development success for this former client. 

This individual already has a Twitter account, but isn’t active or strategic related to this new project.

By tapping into relevant conversation and engagement, Twitter is sure to be an effective way to drive interest in this new business program.

The First Step is the Most Important
Let’s say the business program had something to do with team building...  (it doesn’t, this is just an example to protect the innocent.)

The first (and most critical) step is to do reconnaissance work and connect with relevant folks who are Tweeting about relevant topics related to team building. 

The best tool to do this is TweetLevel.  Using the free application, it only takes a moment (well, 30 seconds) to identify relevant people by context and subject.

  1. Type the phrase “team building” into TweetLevel.  
  2. Hit enter
  3. In 30 seconds TweetLevel will report:

  • Top Tweeters by Share of Voice – so now you can follow these folks and see what they are saying, what content they are sharing.  
  • Most Frequent Words Used - when folks Tweet about “team building” – so now when Tweeting you can use these keyword hashtags for maximum impact. 
  • Top Shared Web Links - related to “team building” – for any web research that can help in marketing. 
  • Top 100 Tweeters by Relevance over Last 100 Days - for the topic “team building” – so now you can follow these folks and start engaging, retweeting, conversing, sharing

Why bother to follow people already talking about team building, you ask? 

Without this first search, any effort expended on Twitter is meaningless as without context there is no relevant engagement.

Try it!  Search on any topic:  from massage therapy or personal finances to dog training or personal coaching…You have my word - this is by far the most effective first step to embark upon a strategic and relevant Twitter program.  

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