Noodling around on LinkedIn
Answers the other week served as a great reminder as to the power of targeted
b-to-b messaging.
That means shaping strategic
messages to each relevant audience segment, then issuing those messages in a
timely fashion.
As you’ll see via the LinkedIn
Answers thread, it’s a powerful approach when issuing press releases.
Quick Aside
Haven’t explored LinkedIn Answers? It’s a great way to
spend 10 minutes or so each week, checking out current thoughts and concerns from those in your
professional area – try it! Chances
are, topics address professional topics of interest to you…
Back to Targeted Messages
In the thread that inspired this post, a fellow marketer posted this question: “Our company recently announced several promotions. Would you
issue one all-encompassing news release or several individual releases?”
As of today, 11 answers
all provide great value and insight into this issue. Yours truly provided this answer:
"Customize each separate announcement for the three geo regions for sure - but there is a role for an aggregated announcement targeted to the industry target. For example, if your client is in the financial services sector, the aggregated announcement signals growth and expansion in the sector, which would be of interest to trade publications/online outlets in financial services."
In other words, shape the
press release to resonate with target audiences, then do the work to build out
media targets in each relevant sector.
Some Great Insight
Another answer provided
by Ellyn
Caruso, Founder
& Principal of Chicago-based Caruso Communications LLC, puts it this way:
“..integrating company promotions across multiple communication channels (lets you) reach a wider group of audiences - remembering of course to always keep the audience in mind when delivering such information. Often today many companies only post promotions on their website and/or deliver to local news ... Think about the social networks, industry groups and list serves as well as deep into trade and business media developing appropriate angles to provide as much depth and detail that can help increase overall visibility of the company in general.”
Great advice, Ellyn! The key is to maximize visibility and awareness for our
clients by spending the time to shape announcements to targeted
audiences, then doing the leg work in discovering the social networks, industry communities and targeted outlets where they would be of value.
To Do for Next Week
I’m taking this lesson to heart. Next week, I’m distributing a press
release for a Private Equity company that recently invested in three businesses
in various sectors (real estate, technology, manufacturing).
For maximum exposure, it’s a best practice to the
release to each of the various sectors and distributes it to targets that way.
Thanks LinkedIn Answers!
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