Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What’s Your Retweet Rank?

Regular blog readers know I am in Twitter learning mode – enjoying the power of blogging and Social Media.

There are many marketing folks who are experts in this arena.  Hubspot and eConsultancy, in particular, offer fabulous Twitter expertise.

Here’s a particularly informative blog from awhile back about measuring the ROI of a B-to-B in terms of Retweet Rank
In the spirit of full disclosure, I am relatively new to this area.  Much learning has been done over the last 6 months or so in support of Markit Strategies and PR client Plex Systems.

RT Rank: What’s the Deal?

A previous blog post showcased five top tools to measure success on Twitter, and since that time, it’s been amazing to see the relevance of measuring engagement via Retweet Rank.

It turns out that one of the B-to-B programs managed by Markit Strategies and PR has a retweet rank in the 97th percentile.  The percentile reflects the percentage of tweets that have been been retweeted.

Why is RT Ranking Important?

Why is Retweet Ranking a good metric to measure quality of engagement?

  1. It means your followers are reading tweets, directly or indirectly.
  2. It means that your Twitter handle "@Name" is spreading to relevant Twitter users in the keywords related to the product or service.  More people will follow.
  3. Tweets are interesting enough for both followers and non-followers to take an action and pass along to their followers.
  4. It means you are building relationships and trust with relevant followers.

Note that most business to business Twitter users do not realize the importance of "RT". It is a more meaningful metric than number of followers - a way to measure engagement with a relevant community (which by the way you can also measure in terms of followers on TwitterSheep. 

The goal is to build a strong, engaged experience on Twitter with a lot of retweeting by relevant followers.

Do you Tweet? If so, check out your RT Rank!  

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